Tuesday, February 24, 2015

It's official—we are going to a runoff! - Jesus "Chuy" Garcia for Mayor of Chicago

It's official—we are going to a runoff! - Jesus "Chuy" Garcia for Mayor of Chicago:

It's official—we are going to a runoff!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015 | News
Tonight's victory is all about you—the staff, the volunteers, the donors, the supporters, the voters,  all those who care about Chicago.
It's a runoff! Let's get ready!
People like you braved the winter to knock on thousands of doors. People like you made phone calls and greeted commuters each morning to spread the word about this movement. People like you turned out to vote and forced this election into a head-to-head runoff with a Mayor backed by huge corporate interests and the national party establishment.
Now, we have six weeks to win City Hall and build an administration based on transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness.
But we’ll need your help.
We have nine field offices to staff and supply and we’ll need to get on television and radio as much as we can afford over the next six weeks.
You can help build the momentum to the April 7th election in the following ways:
  • Donate. If $1000 people gave $100 tonight, we could start running a new television ad this week.
  • Volunteer. We’ll need to make tens of thousands of voter contacts in the next six weeks.
  • Connect. Follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.
Let's build a better Chicago together. Let's win again in April!
Click here to go to Jesus "Chuy" Garcia for Mayor of Chicago  Website
Big Education Ape: Chicago Inc. Rahm Emanuel Dances for Corporate Money - Vote for Chuy!!! http://bit.ly/1AaLZT1