Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I want to apologize for complaining that so many leaders of the education reform movement aren't teachers. BATS


"BAT Mitchell Robinson - "I want to apologize for complaining that so many leaders of the education reform movement aren't teachers. Turns out I have learned a lot from these people.

Jeb Bush taught me that class size limits, as are guaranteed in Florida's constitution, cost too much and are ineffective--for all children but his own.

Michelle Rhee has taught me that a roll of tape is a teacher's best classroom management tool.

David Coleman has taught me that just saying the Common Core was designed by actual teachers enough times will convince many people it's true. What a great reminder of the power of repetition.

Rick Snyder has taught me that kids are worth a lot--and we need to start profiting from those little bundles of joy by expanding the number of for-profit charters for all children--except his own.

And Wendy Kopp, for teaching us that poverty is no excuse for inadequate student achievement. Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps already--once you get a pair of boots, that is...

See how much we have learned!"

Badass Teachers Association