Sunday, February 22, 2015

Corporatizing a Child’s Basic Needs: Another Worry

Corporatizing a Child’s Basic Needs: Another Worry:


Corporatizing a Child’s Basic Needs: Another Worry

I have been reading about the “Pay to Potty” plans in two schools where children had accidents and parents rightly got mad. You would think such a thing couldn’t have happened, and I know that in both situations the schools backed off. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the plan resurfaced again later. While these particular incidents sparked controversy with some, and others thought it was just unfortunate and no big deal, the Pay to Potty plan is right up the corporate alley of using harsh discipline to keep students in line.
Think of the revered school activities that have been discontinued under the appearance of helping students learn better. Who would have ever thought that young children would be made to sit for long periods with few breaks…tested over-and-over…with tests that will fire teachers and close schools?
Did you ever think children would lose recess? And who can believe how the use of personal information is given little consideration when it comes to student confidentiality? Strictly regulating bathroom visits seems like just another controlling feature of new corporate school reforms.
Children are viewed as products to be managed–not human beings with normal needs.
A child’s bathroom etiquette fits deceptively into this plan of harsh discipline involving children. There probably isn’t a teacher around who hasn’t dealt with a student who Corporatizing a Child’s Basic Needs: Another Worry: