Monday, September 15, 2014

The Answer Sheet 9-15-14

Answer Sheet:

The Washington Post’s Constitution Day quiz
Sept. 17 is Constitution Day, celebrating the document that is at the foundation of the United States of America. Take this quiz to see how much you know about the Constitution.  

A warning to U.S. about ‘educational authoritarianism’ — from a Chinese scholar
Yong Zhao is a respected education scholar who has been a fierce critic of high-stakes standardized testing, both in China and the United States. Zhao, the presidential chair and director of the Institute for Global and Online Education in the University of Oregon’s College of Education,  has written a new book entited “Who’s Afraid of […]

How one middle school handled 136 unruly students
Normandy Middle School in north St. Louis — a few miles away from Ferguson, where the August killing of a black teenager by a white police officer sparked civil unrest — has been the worst-performing district in Missouri for several years. As a result, the state took over the Normandy School District, replaced 45 percent of […]

How to get girls more interested in STEM subjects
Why are girls underrepresented in STEM classes and careers? What can be done about it? Author Annie Murphy Paul   discusses that in this post. She is a contributing writer  for Time magazine, writes a weekly column about learning for, blogs about learning for a number of websites and contributes to various publications.  She is […]

The Answer Sheet 9-14-14
Answer Sheet: Common Core: yes or no? A debate.Embrace the Common Core State Standards? Do not embrace the Common Core? That was the question in New York when four people — two for embracing and two against — participated in a recent debate about the controversial initiative. The  event was sponsored by an organization called Intelligence Squared U.S., which offers forums for debates […]3 by Valer