Monday, September 29, 2014

9-29-14 Wait What? - CEA Leadership lies to promote inappropriate Malloy endorsement

Wait What?:

CEA Leadership lies to promote inappropriate Malloy endorsement
Earlier today the Connecticut Education Association issued a press entitled, “Teachers Back Malloy.” The press release begins, HARTFORD, CT — CEA President Sheila Cohen announced today that the Connecticut Education Association Board of Directors has endorsed Governor Dan Malloy for re-election this November 4th. Said Cohen, “The CEA leadership and members took great pains to […] The post CEA Lead

Why Connecticut Teachers SHOULD NOT VOTE for Governor Malloy
Here is a long but important blog.  If you are a teacher, parents or supporter of public education, please take the time to read it. On Friday night the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Education Association voted, on behalf of their 45,000 members, to endorse Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy. With that move, the CEA […] The post Why Connecticut Teachers SHOULD NOT VOTE for Governor Malloy appear

9-27-14 Wait What? - All Week
Wait What?:  Wait What? All WeekTom Foley’s bizarre move on Education Policy and its potential impact on the CEA endorsementIn what appears to be an ongoing effort to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory, Tom Foley, the Republican candidate for governor, has proposed an education policy that looks eerily similar to Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s corporate education reform initiatives. Over the