Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9-23-14 Hemlock on the Rocks

Hemlock on the Rocks:

Padres molestos con LAUSD a causa de incendio en Wilmington - laopinion.com
http://www.laopinion.com/incendio-fire-wilmington-puerto-lausd&template=mobile_redesign Redacción de La OpiniónMuchos padres de familia decidieron sacar ayer a sus hijos de la escuela George De La Torre donde el humo de un incendio en el Puerto de Los Ángeles había hecho difícil estar afuera. Los padres están molestos ya que el LAUSD decidió mantener el plantel abierto, a pesar de que las aut
Parents for Safe Schools: LAUSD Gives Teacher Accommodation From Wi Fi (Microwave Sickness)
http://parentsforasafeschool.blogspot.com/2014/09/lausd-gives-teacher-accommodation-from.html?m=1 LAUSD Gives Teacher Accommodation From Wi Fi (Microwave Sickness) The Los Angeles Public School District (LAUSD) has officially accommodated a teacher who is sensitive to WiFi. This is the first accommodation that I've seen, and LAUSD is the second largest public school district in the US. From the a
Amid iPad, attendance system controversies, school board to weigh superintendent's performance | 89.3 KPCC
http://www.scpr.org/blogs/education/2014/09/23/17330/amid-ipad-attendance-system-controversies-school-b/ After weathering a solid year of criticism for his controversial iPad program, taking a high-profile position in a case against teacher tenure and now dealing with the fallout of an irksome new attendance system, Los Angeles Unified School District superintendent John Deasy is about to face the

Candidate in Next Year’s School Board election questions institutionalized bullying in the LAUSD
"The Vergara ruling has presented California schools with an opportunity to rectify a catastrophe. Now it will be my responsibility and privilege to ensure that L. A. Unified students have highly competent and effective teachers in their classrooms. This guarantee must be not to some students, or most students. It must be to every single student every single day."- John Deasy (1)The LAUS
Punk Rockers get Educated
Do real punk rockers prefer school choice? Not when it's the major label or the big rock manager offering *choice.*By Hugo BurnhamEducation is the new punk rock. So says the t-shirt sold by my friend, an old punk rock drummer named Martin Atkins who has found, forced and finagled his way into higher education in the USA. As have I. *Higher* for us these days means education beyond K–12.Martin play

Petition · Fire Superintendent John Deasy · Change.org
How Level of Education Impacts Your Health
Access to health care alone isn't the great equalizer you might think it is.Analyzing 2011 data among Kaiser Permanente of North California patients, researchers at the Virginia Commonwealth University Center on Society and Health found that even when people have access to the same kind of care, educational achievement still played a huge role in whether people are in good health.Self-reported hea
For the first time, two school districts have won The Broad Prize for Urban Education, a prestigious annual award. The p...
For the first time, two school districts have won The Broad Prize for Urban Education, a prestigious annual award. The prize is given to large, urban districts that boast strong overall student performance and success in reducing achievement gaps among low-income and minority students.Gwinnett County Public Schools in Georgia and Orange County Public Schools in Florida were awarded the prize today
Let's Make Nice: Anthony Cody on How the Dominate Narratove in Education has Shifted and Why
http://www.livingindialogue.com/money-attempts-shift-education-conversation-successes/In 2010, a stark image was broadcast around the nation. It showed a child seated at a school desk surrounded by absolute devastation and ruin. That image was used promote the movie, “Waiting For Superman.” The movie was boosted with a $2 million advertising grant from the Gates Foundation, and was further promote
Evaluating Deasy Under the Watchful Gaze of The Great & Mighty Broad part 1
When the chairman of charter school associations and vague allusions to the breakfast in the classroom program as an example of Deasy's compassionate commitment to students is the best LASR can come up with, it looks like Deasy may have a long way towards getting through the gauntlet of his upcoming evaluation . Don't be so sure. When it comes down  to it, this is mostly out of the public's hands.
After early influx, lines dwindling at LA Unified's immigrant center
http://laschoolreport.com/early-influx-lines-dwindling-la-unifieds-immigrant-center-lausd/ After early influx, lines dwindling at LA Unified's immigrant center LA Unified's Immigrant Guidance Assessment & Placement Center saw long lines when it opened its doors in August, but concerns that the influx of students would be a problem for the district to handle appear unfounded. During its first

Another challenger to Kayser enters LAUSD school board race
http://laschoolreport.com/another-challenger-to-kayser-enters-lausd-school-board-race/ Another challenger to Kayser enters LAUSD school board race Andrew Thomas, challenger to Bennett Kayser for the district 5 seat on the LA Unified school board Andrew Thomas came to the conclusion the LA Unified school board had grown too distant from issues at the school level. He tried one approach at improvin

If some in LAUSD are uncomfortable, Deasy is doing something right | Roonte!

If some in LAUSD are uncomfortable, Deasy is doing something right | Roonte!

9-21-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Stuart G. of EXAMINER itemizes the outrage and recent News on LAUSDLAUSD is in all the headlines and it's all negative!None of it is about the schools, the students or their education.Everything is about what takes places at the downtown headquarters, the Superintendent, the school board, and the downtown administrators. The headlines below don’t even include MiSIS and its is