Sunday, September 14, 2014

9-14-14 Hemlock on the Rocks

Hemlock on the Rocks:

Time for LAUSD to end email deletion plan -
Galatzan Girl Critics call on LAUSD to end email deletion planAmid growing criticism of a Los Angeles Unified School District policy that calls for automatically deleting many year-old emails, district officials said Thursday they will re-examine the policy. The decision followed a recommendation from the district's Gene

Common Core: What’s true, false and fuzzy - The Washington Post Common Core: What's true, false and fuzzy Thomas Scarice, the superintendent of Madison Public Schools in Connecticut, has been a vocal critic of high-stakes test-based school reform. This year  he sent a letter to state legislators explaining why these "reforms will not result in improve
Deasy Speaks on LA, TFA and other Nonsense
Seniors Forced Into Poverty As Education Department Demands Payment Seniors Forced Into Poverty As Education Department Demands Payment The Education Department is demanding so much money from seniors with defaulted student loans that it's forcing tens of thousands of them into poverty, according to a government audit.At least 2
Deasy , Media, BLUME and the BOE Collide - Los Angeles Public Education |
ED NOTES While I agree that Howard Blume should not be mistaken for a glorified stenographer like Watanabe or BuddhaUpholstery  Jones, I do  not think he WAS THE reporter who got the old emails using the FOIL act, though he has been really on top of this who iPad mess. I believe it was KPPC which is pretty interesting given their weirdness with LAUSD and Sharon MCNary's alleged deference to the st
LAUSD Super Finally Exposed … An Audit and Grand Jury Should be Next LAUSD Super Finally Exposed … An Audit and Grand Jury Should be Next EDUCATION POLITICS-Finally the lack of transparency of the mismanaged leadership of LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy is seeing the light of day.  The excellent investigative journalism by the LA Times education reporter,
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Updated: LA SCHOOL BOARD TO RECONSIDER ITS EMAIL ARCHIVING POLICY Updated: LA SCHOOL BOARD TO RECONSIDER ITS EMAIL ARCHIVING POLICY   by Annie Gilbertson| 89.3 KPCC  | School board member Monica Ratliff in her former classroom at San Pedro Street Elementary. Rebecca Hill/KPCC September 10, 06:11 PM  ::   The Los Angeles Unified School District said Wedne
What LAUSD is doing with its military-surplus grenade launchers and assault rifles - LA Times "But as a police department, he said, LAUSD's finest engage in mutual-aid pacts with other police agencies, and the ability to move those launchers out of storage might come in handy then." Aha! Now I understand why all those agencies like the post office order tons of ammo....What LA
Due Process Should Include Peer Assistance and Review - Living in Dialogue Due Process Should Include Peer Assistance and Review Friday, September 12, 2014 12:49 pm  Teachers Unions   Anthony Cody  9  190  This week Mark Naison took an axe to the Peer Assistance and Review program, citing research done by Brian Crowell, a math teacher in Berkeley, California. Crowell states that his
Big Education Ape: Lies My Corporate Ed Reformers Told Me: The Truth About Teacher Tenure and the Civil Rights Movement | Yohuru Williams Lies My Corporate Ed Reformers Told Me: The Truth About Teacher Tenure and the Civil Rights MovementThe champions of corporate education reform insist that efforts to strip teachers of the procedural guarantees of due process embedded in tenure are somehow an extension of the Civil Rights Movement. In the late
9-13-14 Hemlock on the Rocks (The Big Gulp)
Hemlock on the Rocks: Are You Being Bullied At Work? | Workplace Bullying Institute Being Bullied? Start Here Welcome. To help you get started, read the material below to make a difference in your health and your life. This website is for you and supportive or skeptical family and friends. You will find answers to your many questio