Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The super wealthy can self-promote themselves for ALS while collecting and distributing student data, profiting from e-college, etc. | Reclaim Reform

The super wealthy can self-promote themselves for ALS while collecting and distributing student data, profiting from e-college, etc. | Reclaim Reform:

The super wealthy can self-promote themselves for ALS while collecting and distributing student data, profiting from e-college, etc.

“Here’s another example of what happens when the very wealthy and the very self-loving gets involved in a grass roots movement to help. They can turn anything into some means to feel secure about their lofty positions and expose their deep seated psychological need to be recognized as better…
Sick little heads…
They keep Freud alive.”
John Dillon, retired teacher and blogger extraordinaire
Three billionaires. One, J. B. Pritzker, makes a video, starring himself, as a generous donor to ALS research. How much is the contribution? $26,000.
Let’s see…
- $26,000
Contribution Rule #1: Never spend more on a video promoting your personal generosity than you contribute to the fund raising effort.
(How much was your personal income last year? Think of all the wonderful and sincere people across America who are giving so much to ALS research while having a little fun putting their videos on YouTube. Terrific! It’s infuriating that JB and his narcissistic, The super wealthy can self-promote themselves for ALS while collecting and distributing student data, profiting from e-college, etc. | Reclaim Reform: