Thursday, August 28, 2014

NYC Educator: Role Model Among Role Models

NYC Educator: Role Model Among Role Models:

Role Model Among Role Models

Ask yourself this--what do you do when your own kid fails classes? Do you talk to them? Get them extra help? Take away some electronic device? Well, if you happen to be principal of the school they attend, you have other options. You can simply change their grades. After all, you have the super-duper master password to the school computer. Who's gonna question you? Some teacher who you can fire after two ineffective ratings?

The only real flaw about this line of thinking is you can get caught, which is never good. But it's not that bad either. You get fined 7,000 bucks and get reassigned. Of course this is inconvenient, because you can't change your kids grades anymore. You're out seven grand and looking at paying tutors. You can't bully the teachers in your school to tutor them and you've obviously failed at bullying them into passing the kids for no reason already.

But at least you aren't a teacher. Can you imagine the stink Campbell Brown would raise if you'd been a teacher and done that? It would surely be all over the tabloids instead of just Chalkbeat NY. Hopefully your neighbors don't read that anyway.

If you were a teacher you'd surely be facing 3020a for this. Thank goodness the Tweedies haven't changed since Bloomberg and are still slapping administrators on the wrist. When they see a school in trouble, they pick someone like you to run it. That's how much they care about schools in trouble. Undoubtedly that's why they were able to close so many schools in the first NYC Educator: Role Model Among Role Models: