Friday, August 8, 2014

NYC Educator: The "Cold, Twisted, Sick Hands" of UFT Unity

NYC Educator: The "Cold, Twisted, Sick Hands" of UFT Unity:

The "Cold, Twisted, Sick Hands" of UFT Unity

UFT President Michael Mulgrew claimed he'd "punch" anyone in the face and "push" them "in the dirt" if they tried to take away his standards with their "cold, twisted, sick hands."

The "cold, twisted, sick hands" I see, however, are propping up the Common Core.  One hand shoves it down our throats while the other hand grasps some big bills accepted as grants to promote it.  Would the Common Core be anything less than a shriveled, deflated mess, if we took away all the money pumped into promoting it and the promise of future profits?

One observer said of Mulgrew's speech, "It was scary.  People were saying that he shouldn't be around children."  Educators, after all,  teach children to use the power of ideas, not the threat of physical violence.  In this light, Mulgrew's bully tactics, although popular with some segment of the crowd, were less than reassuring and would certainly land him in 3020a land if the setting had been a school.

But it was not.  And, no children were present.  Mulgrew knew this.  Although I object wholeheartedly to the Core, I'm guessing Mulgrew won't punch me in the face or order a henchman to run me off the road.  If this was his policy, there'd be a lot more people to run off the road.  There might even be more cars in the ditch than on the road.

I do believe, however, that there is another highly disturbing menace, one which worries me far more.  The observer who noted in the NY Daily News that Mulgrew's rant was "scary" "asked to remain anonymous to avoid Mulgrew's wrath."  If you have signed onto the UFT Unity ruling party, you must be loyalty-oath abiding.  If you speak against the boss, you sow the seeds of your own destruction.  Kiss your handsome double pension, lucrative extra-hours after-school job in union offices, and prestigious trips to conferences as a rubber stamp, goodbye!  No wonder the Union favors mayoral control and common standards for all.  They can be used to speak with one voice, that of leadership, like the UFT, and NYC Educator: The "Cold, Twisted, Sick Hands" of UFT Unity: