Thursday, August 7, 2014

Morning Wink 8-7-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform


LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-7-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: The Launch of a Bold Néw Website for Teachers and Their AlliesWhen I heard from Randy Hoover about his new website called “The,” I asked him to write a post explaining his hopes and goals. I knew that he could describe it better than I could. Hoover spent 46 years as an educator. Randy Hoover writes: A Project
8-7-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Hinsdale’s Richard Skoda. A documented history of education disruption.Hi Fred, You could publish a related story on current board president Richard Skoda’s documented history of organizing his group to disrupt D86 board meetings and intimidate board members and others. This led to real violence on on
8-6-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: #AFT14 Convention Video - Common Core Debate - Mulgrew is Going to Punch Someone in the FaceHas anyone speaking against the common core said they don't WANT standards? .... Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater? The baby is in the bath water... Pia Payne-Shannon, Minneapolis Teacher opposing common core in rousing speech at AFT conventionI extracted a 12 minute sliver from o
8-7-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: This Week’s “Round-Up” Of Useful Posts & Articles On Education Policy© 2008 William Murphy, Flickr | CC-BY-SA | via Wylio Here are some recent important posts and articles on education policy issues: Social Capital Matters As Much As Human Capital – A Message To Skeptics is from The Shanker Blog. Gary Ravani has written
8-7-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice Guy
Wait What?:   Wait What?  Pelto/Murphy 2014Are Malloy operatives saying democracy is great, unless they’re challenged?Democrats claim to love democracy.  The Democratic Party has traditionally fought to make it easier to register and vote and promoted strategies to improve voter turnout such as early voting.  Democrats have also decried efforts to suppress turnout or making it harder for people to
8-7-14 Wag The Dog Week - Selling Solutions Not the Same As Solving Problems
WagTheDog | Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. ~ Rumi: Selling Solutions Not the Same As Solving Problems2013 comments made by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan during a visit to schools in the impoverished nation of Haiti reveal a business and corporate mindset that is a driving force behind the ed reform movement in th
8-7-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: CURMUDGUCATION: NYC Looks For Teachers on CraigslistCURMUDGUCATION: NYC Looks For Teachers on Craigslist: The NYC Teaching Collective (formerly the NYC Teaching Residency) seems to be have hatched from a simple idea-- why pay TFA to provide us Rene Diedrich / 1h hide  //  saveKeep the Public in Public SchoolsProtest against school cuts in Culver City, California.Photo/
empathyeducates – A Call for the Next Phase in the Resistance
empathyeducates – A Call for the Next Phase in the Resistance: A Call for the Next Phase in the ResistanceGraphic; Respect Existence or Expect Resistance by AngertAestheticsBy Paul L. Thomas, Ed.D. | Originally Published at The Becoming Radical. August 5, 2014Teachers at every level of schooling have struggled against two powerful social claims: (i) education has always been labeled a failure by p
8-7-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Study Says Money and Family Cast Long ShadowI'm just going to steal the lede from the article on John Hopkins HUB website in June:In a groundbreaking study, Johns Hopkins University researchers followed nearly 800 Baltimore schoolchildren for a quarter of a century, and discovered that their fates were substantially determined by the family they were born into.Karl Alexander and th
8-7-14 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Bridgegate Pulls Down Christie's Poll NumbersFrom Politico:New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s net approval rating is at its lowest point in three years, a new poll says.According to a Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday, 49 percent of New Jersey voters approve of the Republican governor’s job performance, compared with 47 percent who disapprove. That net approval rati
4 Ideas To Have A Successful First Year as Principal | Connected Principals
4 Ideas To Have A Successful First Year as Principal | Connected Principals: 4 Ideas To Have A Successful First Year as Principalby George Couros • August 7, 2014 • 0 Comments#147205418 / / gettyimages.comI am so intrigued with the number of people that are jumping into principal positions as I think it is truly one of the best jobs in the world.  It is also one of the to
Russ on Reading: Teaching Teachers to Teach? Context Matters
Russ on Reading: Teaching Teachers to Teach? Context Matters: Teaching Teachers to Teach? Context MattersApparently it is open season on teacher preparation programs and professional development for teachers. Last week New York Times columnist Joe Nocera had an op-ed piece called Teaching Teachers. His column follows a Sunday New York Times book excerpt on Elizabeth Green’s forthcoming, Building a
The Launch of a Bold Néw Website for Teachers and Their Allies | Diane Ravitch's blog
The Launch of a Bold Néw Website for Teachers and Their Allies | Diane Ravitch's blog: When I heard from Randy Hoover about his new website called “The,” I asked him to write a post explaining his hopes and goals. I knew that he could describe it better than I could. Hoover spent 46 years as an educator.Randy Hoover writes:A Project to Reanimate Teacher Advocacy(Teacher-Advoca
Common Core Math Design Ignored Research on Math Learning | Missouri Education Watchdog
Common Core Math Design Ignored Research on Math Learning | Missouri Education Watchdog: Common Core Math Design Ignored Research on Math LearninginShareDr. James Milgram who has become an outspoken opponent of the common core standards spoke to Breitbart News yesterday adding some additional insight to Dr. Martina Ratner’s comments in the Wall Street Journal.“It is believed by most U.S. math educ
Huge Hole Remains in Philadelphia School Budget; Legislature Goes Home without Addressing Crisis | janresseger
Huge Hole Remains in Philadelphia School Budget; Legislature Goes Home without Addressing Crisis | janresseger: Huge Hole Remains in Philadelphia School Budget; Legislature Goes Home without Addressing CrisisPosted on August 7, 2014 by janressegerWhat happened yesterday in Philadelphia is not a sudden development; neither is it a surprise.  It is merely one more chapter in a tragedy that continues
Geaux Teacher!: A Louisiana Parent's Letter To Protect Student Privacy
Geaux Teacher!: A Louisiana Parent's Letter To Protect Student Privacy: A Louisiana Parent's Letter To Protect Student PrivacyA model letter to your child's principal from a Louisiana parent.  Links to the new Louisiana laws are included.To all, Please feel free to use this letter as a template for your own children.  For those of you with children in private schools using computers and I-PADS, pl
Louisiana Educator: Child's Play vs Common Core
Louisiana Educator: Child's Play vs Common Core: Child's Play vs Common CoreThis story aired recently on National Public Radio. It reports on a study of children by Canadian scientists that finds that unstructured play may be more important to a child's healthy brain development than much of the highly structured curriculum being mandated in our schools today for very young children. The problem f
Irresponsible Is As Irresponsible Does – redqueeninla
Irresponsible Is As Irresponsible Does – redqueeninla: Irresponsible Is As Irresponsible DoesWritten by redqueeninla in EducationJohn Deasy claims an authority in adjudicating “responsibility” that seems a little premature.With what is itself “breathtaking” hubris, he fairly spits out to the LA School Report an avowal of sanctimonious incredulity that thousands of LAUSD teachers might threaten str
Welcome to Boston, Families for Excellent Schools! | EduShyster
Welcome to Boston, Families for Excellent Schools! | EduShyster: Welcome to Boston, Families for Excellent Schools!A few Excellent tips (and one Excellent idea)  to help you stand out in a crowded field…Setting up shop in a brand new city can be tough—especially when the ground you’ll be trodding upon is already quite well trodden upon. Which is why I’ve assembled this handy *welcome wagon* full o
Should state sue Arne Duncan to get No Child waiver back? | Education Lab Blog | Seattle Times
Should state sue Arne Duncan to get No Child waiver back? | Education Lab Blog | Seattle Times: Should state sue Arne Duncan to get No Child waiver back?Posted by John HigginsThe executive director of the association that represents Washington school superintendents says Washington state should challenge the revocation of the state’s waiver from the No Child Left Behind law in federal court.In Apr
NYC Educator: To Punch or Not to Punch? What Would Mulgrew Do?
NYC Educator: To Punch or Not to Punch? What Would Mulgrew Do?: To Punch or Not to Punch? What Would Mulgrew Do?It was pretty surprising to read that Mike Mulgrew told the AFT convention that if anyone tried to take his Common Core, he'd punch them in the face. Evidently, this particular corporate reform is so valuable to us that we must fight for it. And since we have no voice whatsoever in AFT m


Geaux Teacher!: John White Uses His Bully Pulpit
Geaux Teacher!: John White Uses His Bully Pulpit: John White Uses His Bully PulpitI found SuperintendentWhite's "Welcome Back a To School" post offensive so I told him this:John -You need to stop using LDE as your bully pulpit. In your desperation to justify your failed attempts to promote national standards as one of Jeb Bush's Chiefs for Change and to barker your PARCC test for Pearson
Saving John Mac «Education Talk New Orleans Education Talk New Orleans
Saving John Mac «Education Talk New Orleans Education Talk New Orleans: Saving John MacWednesday, Aug 6 2014 Charter Schools and Education Reform and Fake Community Involvement and RSD BESE,charter schools, Community, Education Reform, LDOE, louisiana department of education, New Orleans Schools edutalknola 10:30 pm2 Open Letters to the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary EducationThe Reco
It's Not the Firing; It's the Threatening | Peter Greene
It's Not the Firing; It's the Threatening | Peter Greene: It's Not the Firing; It's the ThreateningYesterday, Twitter blew up with responses to Whoopi Goldberg and The View having one more uninformed discussion of tenure (and, really, we need to talk about why, from Louis CK to Colbert to Goldberg, education discussions keep being driven by the work of comedians)."#WithoutTenure I can be fire
Pueblo SD70 in CO Attempts to Enforce Testing via Online Registration Form - UNITED OPT OUT: The Movement to End Corporate Education Reform
Pueblo SD70 in CO Attempts to Enforce Testing via Online Registration Form - UNITED OPT OUT: The Movement to End Corporate Education Reform: Pueblo SD70 in CO Attempts to Enforce Testing via Online Registration FormAs Opt Out/Refusal of high stakes testing takes corporate ed. reform by storm this year we will be sharing information as quickly as possible to alert members to potential scenarios dis
My 2014-15 “Back to School” Post | deutsch29
My 2014-15 “Back to School” Post | deutsch29: My 2014-15 “Back to School” PostAugust 6, 2014I started my 2014-15 school year on Monday, August 4. On Thursday, August 7 (which happens to be tomorrow), the students return.  Thus, the three days beginning this week have been faculty professional days.I planned to write a different, more research-based post in the days prior to my students’ return, bu
Who Should Go, the Public Education Privatizers or the Teachers? You be the Judge
Who Should Go, the Public Education Privatizers or the Teachers? You be the Judge: Who Should Go, the Public Education Privatizers or the Teachers? You be the Judge 27 Jun 2014Written by Kathleen CarrollINSIDE EDUCATION POLITICS-One of the main goals of the public education privatizers has been to make it easier, legally, to fire teachers. Understanding this goal is not difficult. You fire more te
Frankenstein Fears His Monster: The Gates Foundation Wants You To Boycott High-Stakes Tests | Common Dreams
Frankenstein Fears His Monster: The Gates Foundation Wants You To Boycott High-Stakes Tests | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community: Frankenstein Fears His Monster: The Gates Foundation Wants You To Boycott High-Stakes TestsbyJesse HagopianMicrosoft founder Bill Gates. (Credit: flickr / cc / world economic forum)“…the Gates Foundation agrees with those who’ve deci
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Teachers not teaching in subject areas? Why not?
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Teachers not teaching in subject areas? Why not?: Teachers not teaching in subject areas? Why not?One of the dumbest teacher-bashing headlines ever, appears on the front page of today's Trib. "Teachers may not know the subjects they cover". Are you kidding me?According to the Tribune:The assignment of teachers not properly trained and credentialed to teach
They Are Children | Bruce Lesley
They Are Children | Bruce Lesley: They Are ChildrenASSOCIATED PRESSChildren are "fleeing for their lives," according to journalist Sonia Navario, who has investigated the root causes, circumstances, and plight of vulnerable migrants who have been traveling -- often by themselves at enormous risk -- to the United States and other countries throughout the Americas from the Central American
Nite Cap 8-6-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPCaputo-Pearl: The teachers' view from the new union presidentCaputo-Pearl: The teachers' view from the new union president: UTLA’s Caputo-Pearl: ‘Our goal is to win a good contract’Posted on August 6, 2014 3:29 pm by Vanessa RomoWith school about
Caputo-Pearl: The teachers' view from the new union president
Caputo-Pearl: The teachers' view from the new union president: UTLA’s Caputo-Pearl: ‘Our goal is to win a good contract’Posted on August 6, 2014 3:29 pm by Vanessa RomoWith school about to open for 2014-2015, Alex Caputo-Pearl embarks on his first year as president of United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA). He couldn’t have found a busier time to begin his first term, with negotiations underway for a
New AstroTurf FAKE Democratic Group Forms To Talk About Education Reform - Long Beach Grunion Gazette
Democratic Group Forms To Talk About Education Reform - Long Beach Grunion Gazette Newspapers: Breaking News, Sports, Business, Entertainment & Long Beach News : - News: Democratic Group Forms To Talk About Education ReformStoryCommentsPrintCreate a hardcopy of this pageFont Size:Default font sizeLarger font size—Gazette photo by Ashleigh RuhlTALKING ABOUT SCHOOLS. Moderator Joe B
In defense of Whoopi Goldberg: She needs to be educated about due process. | Reclaim Reform
In defense of Whoopi Goldberg: She needs to be educated about due process. | Reclaim Reform: In defense of Whoopi Goldberg: She needs to be educated about due process.Posted on August 6, 2014by Ken PrevitiAs most people know, Whoopi Goldberg was being raised by a single mother when she dropped out of high school about 40+ years ago, probably because her dyslexia interfered with her formal educatio
1/2 ¢ sales tax increase for schools? In a state that gives sales tax $$$$$ to multinational corporations? | Reclaim Reform
1/2 ¢ sales tax increase for schools? In a state that gives sales tax $$$$$ to multinational corporations? | Reclaim Reform: 1/2 ¢ sales tax increase for schools? In a state that gives sales tax $$$$$ to multinational corporations?Posted on August 6, 2014by Ken PrevitiWhen good, well-intentioned people, people who work hard to save our public schools, are scammed it is very difficult to convince t
empathyeducates – Trauma In The Trenches of Gun-Weary Chicago
empathyeducates – Trauma In The Trenches of Gun-Weary Chicago: Trauma In The Trenches of Gun-Weary ChicagoDo our school children get enough sleep? Do they get enough to eat? Are they ready for days of stringent testing? By the time our children arrive at school they are tired and weary. Their eyes are teary. In every moment of their young lives they live in the trenches. From Chicago to Los Angele
Who The Fck Is Campbell Brown? - Esquire
Who The Fck Is Campbell Brown? - Esquire: WHO THE FCK IS CAMPBELL BROWN?By Charles P. Pierce on August 6, 2014227890View All Comments ()To paraphrase from my grandmother, the former shepherd lass from the hills and hollows of north Kerry, who the fck is Campbell Brown when she's at home?Well, on the basics, she's from Ferriday, Louisiana, the hometown of Jerry Lee Lewis, and she graduated from Reg
8-6-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum Week
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Common Core Math; From a Math Professor's ViewThanks to S Parent for bringing this to our attention. From the Wall Street Journal and UC Berkeley math professor, Marina Ratner, I think it is one swell piece of writing that - in a straight-forward manner - explains why Common Core is deeply flawed. Ms. Ratner is professor emerita of mathematics at the University of
8-6-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Common Core Math: Suicide Bombers + Ebola = HOLY CRAP!The situation in the Middle East is a bit like World War I. Iraq is breaking apart, and its border with Syria exists only on maps. A Kurdistan is in formation. Jordan and Lebanon are endangered. The Israeli-Palestinian situation is threatening to produce real violence. Three Israeli youths have been kidnapped from the West Bank
“No Exceptions and No Excuses” |
“No Exceptions and No Excuses” |: “No Exceptions and No Excuses” In an excellent, descriptive article written in The New Yorker two weeks ago, the author describes how educators in a high-needs, struggling school in Atlanta (during the now infamous cheating scandal that surrounded Atlanta’s public schools in the late 2000′s) made a series of “shocking choice[s]” to artificially inflate and boost t
Shanker Blog » How Boston Public Schools Can Recruit and Retain Black Male Teachers
Shanker Blog » How Boston Public Schools Can Recruit and Retain Black Male Teachers: How Boston Public Schools Can Recruit And Retain Black Male TeachersPosted by Travis Bristol on August 6, 2014Our guest author today is Travis J. Bristol, former high school English teacher in New York City public schools andteacher educator with the Boston Teacher Residency program, who is currently a postdoctora
Marie Corfield: The Gentrification of Camden's Schools Part I
Marie Corfield: The Gentrification of Camden's Schools Part I: The Gentrification of Camden's Schools Part Igentrification—noun 1. the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper- or middle-income families or individuals, thus improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small businesses.Since public educators have been largely
8-6-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Resources: Advice For New Teachers© 2014 Ilmicrofono Oggiono, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio It’s that time of year again! Readers might be particularly interested in two “The Best” lists: The Best Advice For New Teachers The Best Resources For Planning The First Days Of Schoolby Larry Ferlazzo / 12min 8-4-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s W
8-6-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: Supporters want school bond back on ballotMorning Read: Supporters want school bond back on ballot Backers push to put school bond on ballot Despite widespread bipartisan support from state legislators and school districts, Gov. Jerry Brown is remaining mum on whether he supports putting a m
6 Ways Wall Street Is Hosing Chicago Teachers - Working In These Times
6 Ways Wall Street Is Hosing Chicago Teachers - Working In These Times: 6 Ways Wall Street Is Hosing Chicago TeachersIn 2012, Chicago teachers rocked the city with their historic strike. Yet their pensions could still be on the line.   (Sarah-Ji / Flickr / Creative Commons)During Andrew Cuomo’s tenure as attorney general of New York, he noted, “In New York, the biggest pool of money is the state p
2014′s States with the Best and Worst School Systems | WalletHub®
2014′s States with the Best and Worst School Systems | WalletHub®: 2014′s States with the Best and Worst School Systemsby Richie BernardoUnless one is destined to assume the ranks of wildly successful college dropouts like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, education remains the traditional route to financial success for many Americans. Consider the median incomes for workers aged 25 and older in 201
Looking Back (Part 2) | Taking Note
Looking Back (Part 2) | Taking Note: Looking Back (Part 2)by CARMEN on 06. AUG, 2014 in 2014 BLOGS(Last week I published a piece of my own story, a summer diversion.  Here’s a bit more.)National Public Radio [1] was a wonderful place to work, and I stayed for 8 years, from 1974 to 1982.  Many of the voices you grew to know were there then: Susan Stamberg, Bob Edwards, Linda Wertheimer, Nina Totenb
8-6-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Rahm Slashes Schools to Funnel Cash to Corporate PalsThe reptilian Rahm Emanuel has a conscious strategy to allow profiteers and privatizers to take over Chicago Public Schools, and he is using the money saved by starving the schools and cutting teacher pensions to provide corporate subsidies to his cronies.  David Sirota has the story:Months after Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said b
8-6-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: About the radio showJoin Drs. Shaun Johnson and Tim Slekar LIVE Sundays at 6PM EST and Wednesdays at 7PM EST on Blog Talk Radio for progressive, pro-public education talk radio. Call in to speak live with Tim and Shaun during the show, (805) 727-7111. You can also listen to our Monday "Sunday-Replay" at 7PM EST, and re-broadcasts of the archives every Tuesday and Thursd
Deeper Understanding in Common Core Math Not True | Missouri Education Watchdog
Deeper Understanding in Common Core Math Not True | Missouri Education Watchdog: Deeper Understanding in Common Core Math Not TrueinShareThe talking points of Common Core supporters have worn thin. Many have been blasted out of the water, but if you are still thinking about diving head first into using the standards, remember this image.Professor emerita of mathematics at the University of Califor
8-6-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: NYC Looks For Teachers on CraigslistThe NYC Teaching Collective (formerly the NYC Teaching Residency) seems to be have hatched from a simple idea-- why pay TFA to provide us with underqualified, undertrained teacher bodies when we can just do it in house?If nothing else, their mission statement is more direct:The mission of the NYC Teaching Collaborative is to recruit and prepare t
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Rahm's Walgreen cronies now say they're not moving HQ to Switzerland after all
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Rahm's Walgreen cronies now say they're not moving HQ to Switzerland after all: Rahm's Walgreen cronies now say they're not moving HQ to Switzerland after allWesson oils RahmINVERSION -- Rahm's union-hating pals and campaign funders at Walgreen's now say they won't re-incorporate in Switzerland as planned. The re-incorporation — in which a company’s headquarters
Back to School Lesson Plans and Classroom Resources - Lesson Plans & Resources - Share My Lesson
Back to School Lesson Plans and Classroom Resources - Lesson Plans & Resources - Share My Lesson: Back to SchoolStudents may be enjoying the last few moments of summer vacation, but all too soon they will be heading back into the classroom. Meanwhile, educators all over the country are preparing for the new school year and getting ready to meet their new students.The Share My Lesson team has c
Morning Wink 8-6-14 AM Posts #edchat #edreform
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK  AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-6-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Allie Gross: Detroit and the Charter School ProfiteersAllie Gross arrived to teach in Detroit as a Teach for America recruit. Her three years in a charter school opened her eyes. She saw classroo