Friday, August 8, 2014

LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-8-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all

Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all:

Grassroots Parent Groups Criticize “The Real Campbell Brown”
The Alliance for Quality Education and New York Communities for Change, both of which fight for equitable funding of schools in low-incoe communities, have created a website called “The Real Campbell Brown.” Although Brown was a CNN anchor, she was not known to the parent groups that have fought for economic and social equity for minority children for many years.

What Do Celebrities and Superstars Know about Teaching?
I worry for the future of our society when I see that education policy is being shaped by people who know nothing–nothing–about education. They never taught in a school. They never studied education. They know nothing about research. They are ignorant of the history, politics, and economics of education. Yet they feel that their Big Name empowers them to influence legislation and court decisions a

Peter Greene: New York’s Curriculum Guides Prove that CCSS Is Unnecesary
Although Peter Greene teaches in Pennsylvania, he decided to review New York state’s curriculum guides about the Common Core standards. He pulls them apart and shows that they tell teachers to do what they were already doing, or they make demands that have no evidence to support them. It is a hilarious deconstruction of engageNY, the state education department’s prized curriculum. Greene conclud
The Return of David Sirota: the Differences Between Warren and Clinton
David Sirota, one of the nation’s top investigative reporters, is now writing for International Business Times. In this article, he describes the differences between Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton.
Which Are the 50 Best Affordable Colleges in the Northeast?
Most of us are familiar with the college-university rankings published by Forbes and U.S. News and other journals. Here is a different approach to ranking these institutions, looking at them more from the students’ experiences and opportunities than to their SAT test scores and AP classes taken in high school. The author, journalist Iris Stone, divides them into the most affordable 25 public insti
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-7-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: The Launch of a Bold Néw Website for Teachers and Their AlliesWhen I heard from Randy Hoover about his new website called “The,” I asked him to write a post explaining his hopes and goals. I knew that he could describe it better than I could. Hoover spent 46 years as an educator. Randy Hoover writes: A Project