Thursday, August 7, 2014

Irresponsible Is As Irresponsible Does – redqueeninla

Irresponsible Is As Irresponsible Does – redqueeninla:

Irresponsible Is As Irresponsible Does

Written by redqueeninla in Education

John Deasy claims an authority in adjudicating “responsibility” that seems a little premature.
With what is itself “breathtaking” hubris, he fairly spits out to the LA School Report an avowal of sanctimonious incredulity that thousands of LAUSD teachers might threaten strike should their years of voluntary pay cuts and wage freezes not be reversed.
Says he:   “I would never even have a conversation about something as ludicrous as saying to the public that we might have a strike when we met people once”. Evidently the superintendent considers the negotiating-clock to be re-zeroed each year such that past history and betrayals have no standing.
Therefore it is hardly surprising that his own recent personal history ofleveraging a threat to quit our district mired in the unmitigated fiscal andphysical disrepair of his watch, into a multi-year employment contract replete with tidy salary increase of $30K – this little party trick was evidently fine because, perhaps, it never was a “conversation” with the public. Instead his own contract was carefully controlled and remanded for negotiation via inside baseball behind closed doors exclusively. All this remains just one of those “undiscussable” personnel matters.
So what does it mean anyway, to “behave responsibly”? That just means to behave in a way that the critic expects or considers desirable.
Irresponsible would be to operate under the chimeric authority of an academic degree dishonorably attained.
Irresponsible is to be in any way complicit or complacent in accepting LAUSD class sizes at upwards of 50 pupils per teacher, 2-4 times the rate of charter and private school counterparts.
Irresponsible is compelling a curriculum that ignores a vast population’s need Irresponsible Is As Irresponsible Does – redqueeninla: