Sunday, August 10, 2014

Connect the Dots: Whoopi, Ari and Rahm Emanuel, Destruction of Public Education, Ending Tenure | Reclaim Reform

Connect the Dots: Whoopi, Ari and Rahm Emanuel, Destruction of Public Education, Ending Tenure | Reclaim Reform:

Connect the Dots: Whoopi, Ari and Rahm Emanuel, Destruction of Public Education, Ending Tenure

Her attacks on teacher tenure cannot be as innocent or uninformed when seen with links to her personal and business associates.
Here are the dots; let’s connect them.
  • Whoopi >
  • Ari Emanuel >
  • Rahm Emanuel >
  • Destruction of public education >
  • End of TENURE
(There are links to view as source material.)
I was naive to think that Whoopi simply misunderstood the concept of tenure. Tenure for ALL K-12 public school teachers was and is “due process” protection.
In many states, teachers are protected from being fired on a whim or an unproven allegation. Teachers who advocate for children’s rights, such as expensive testing, accommodations and remedial teaching for the treatment of dyslexia or other learning difficulties, are often targeted as “problem” teachers.
Now I see that Whoopi’s agent is in effect Rahm Emanuel’s brother, Ari (who has a controlling interest in William Morris Agency – the prominent power player in Hollywood). Ari Emanuel philanthropically (financially) supports education programs that mix tax-advantaged foundation money and public funds. He and his agency have also been embroiled in many controversies of various sorts. Money and power play into all of these entanglements.
As most people know, Ari’s brother Rahm is crushing public education, teachers, and TENURE in Chicago. Since the glut of school closings began, thousands of poor Chicago children are “unaccounted for” students who are being ignored and “overlooked.” Most Connect the Dots: Whoopi, Ari and Rahm Emanuel, Destruction of Public Education, Ending Tenure | Reclaim Reform: