Tuesday, August 5, 2014

And Now Another Word from Our Sponsor, K12 | EduShyster

And Now Another Word from Our Sponsor, K12 | EduShyster:

And Now Another Word from Our Sponsor, K12

 Operators are standing by…

K12investorThe soul-searching phase of the summer has arrived, reader—when one has no choice but to confront a fiercely urgent question: what to watch now that the Bachelorette’s journey has at last reached its end. There is Big Brother, of course, but one was already watching that, not to mention #Richkids of Beverly Hills, which one should probably not confess to watching. Which is how it is that I came to find myself on a recent weeknight viewing Welcome to Sweden, an odd-ish comedy staring Amy Poehler’s brother Greg because, well, meritocracy. But the real star of the show wasn’t the Swedish subtitles but the endless ads for K12,online public schools that provide powerful choices for parents across the U.S. And thanks to the wonders of DVR technology, I had no choice but to watch the ads again and again.
Channel changersRemote Control
You can view K12’s latest for yourself here(Note: to replicate my viewing experience, watch ad 11 times in a row, pairing with any beverage with an alc/vol of 13.5% or above). Of course, advertising is nothing new for the company that has been *putting our students first* since 2013, when they made that the official tagline of their annual report.  K12 spends And Now Another Word from Our Sponsor, K12 | EduShyster: