Friday, August 8, 2014

8-8-14 Hemlock on the Rocks

Hemlock on the Rocks:

Fwd: Common Core is the Most Dangerous Domestic Spying Program : Freedom Outpost
Even the Department of Education, though, admits that privacy is a concern, and that some of the data gathered may be "of a sensitive nature."  The information collected will be more than sensitive; much of it will also be completely unrelated to education.  Data collected will not only include grades, test scores, name, date of birth and social security number, it will also
@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;
How education reform drives gentrification | Al Jazeera America
Emma Christ, center, a Cleveland High School senior, at a rally organized by the Portland Student Union and the Portland Teachers Solidarity Campaign. The rally attracted students, parents and other unions in support of teachers during contract negotiations.Stephanie Yao Long/The Oregonian/Landov


B-LoEdScene: Randi Weingarten's Arrest - Cheap Stunt or Grandst...
B-LoEdScene: Randi Weingarten's Arrest - Cheap Stunt or Grandst...: So Randi Weingarten the Dr. Frankenstein of Concession Driven Unionism was cuffed and stuffed at a protest in Philly the other day. Wo...
Another NYC TALE THAT LAUSD TEACHERS WILL FIND USEDUL: The Collusion And Inaction By The UFT And DOE Is The Major Cause Of The ATR Crises. The Collusion And Inaction By The UFT And DOE Is The Major Cause Of The ATR Crises. We all know that the deal between UFT President Randi Weingarten and Chancellor Joel Klein that resulted in the infamous 2005
Wall Street Hearts Charter Schools, Gets Rich Off Them | FDL News Desk Wall Street has always put its money where its interests and beliefs lie. But it is far less common that so many financial heavyweights would adopt a social cause like charter schools and advance it with a

8-7-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: CURMUDGUCATION: NYC Looks For Teachers on CraigslistCURMUDGUCATION: NYC Looks For Teachers on Craigslist: The NYC Teaching Collective (formerly the NYC Teaching Residency) seems to be have hatched from a simple idea-- why pay TFA to provide us Rene Diedrich / 1h hide  //  saveKeep the Public in Public SchoolsProtest against school cuts in Culver City, California.Photo/