Monday, August 4, 2014

8-4-14 The New Living in Dialogue | hosted by Anthony Cody

Living in Dialogue | hosted by Anthony Cody:

Six Years Under the Masthead: Farewell to Ed Week - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Six Years Under the Masthead: Farewell to Ed Week - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Six Years Under the Masthead: Farewell to Ed WeekBy Anthony Cody on August 3, 2014 1:33 PMThis post marks my last appearance at Education Week, after six eventful years. The summer of 2008 was the beginning of Living in Dialogue, launched with the help of John Norton. In that first year, I wrote about

Chicago Teachers’ New Political Awakening
By Michelle Gunderson. What would our city look like if it were run by Chicago teachers alongside other labor and community groups? This was the thought that kept running through my head as we gathered to support the launch of the new United Working Families political organization in Chicago. I have strong hope that Chicago would look much different than it does now. It has to. Mayor Emanuel state
School Librarians – Leading Out Loud
By Susan Polos As miners are alerted to dangers from noxious gases when a canary dies in the mine, community members should immediately wake up and take notice when budgets propose cutting school librarians. This is an early sign that the school culture is endangered, that access to information is at risk, and that student-centered learning may well be compromised. School librarians are getting qu