Friday, August 1, 2014

8-1-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher

Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.:

Guest ten minute drawing. Arthur Goldstein.
As you may know, my drawing arm is presently in a cast. I have invited guest Ten Minute Drawers to fill in. All submissions are welcome. - Arthur Goldstein is a NY city teacher and UFT activist.  Arthur’s art. Text by Fred Klonsky.
Guest ten minute drawing. H.D. Worth.
As you may know, my drawing arm is presently in a cast. I have invited guest Ten Minute Drawers to fill in. All submissions are welcome. - H.D. Worth is the pseudonym of a Chicago suburban teacher and IEA union activist. “An H.D. Worth original. Done in exactly ten minutes!” he writes.

Hinsdale’s town bully is Dr. Richard Skoda. Union has an hour to surrender or they’re locked out.
From the Darien Patch: The Hinsdale High School Teachers Association claims that bargaining team members were given an hour to decide whether or not to rescind a strike authorization vote in exchange for the school board’s assurance to forego its right to a union lockout. Both sides have been meeting with a federal mediator to negotiate a new contract for the professional educators at Hinsdale Ce

Guest ten minute drawing. Leigh Klonsky.
As you may know, my drawing arm is presently in a cast. I have invited guest Ten Minute Drawers to fill in. All submissions are welcome. - Leigh Klonsky is a NYC public high school art teacher and artist.

New problems for “Dr.” Carter in New London. His tenure at CPS and AUSL? Anyone? Anyone?
. The troubles for “Dr.” Terrence P. Carter keeping mounting up. He was a slam-dunk choice for New London, Connecticut’s superintendent of schools until his resume turned out to be phonier than a World Wrestling Federation match. The board put the hiring on hold until they could investigate whether he really got a Ph.D. from Stanford. I’m not sure what there is to investigate since Stanford says

David Brooks argues for grit. I hate grit. Seniors are poor because they desire immediate gratification? No grit.
There are few people writing in major media today that are dumber than David Brooks in the New York Times. In yesterday’s column he said we should be focused more on teaching poor folks character development and grit. Remember that Mary Tyler Moore episode where Ed Asner and Lou Grant tells Mary she has spunk. “I hate spunk,” he says. Well, I hate grit. At the core of the concept of grit is that
Words that can get teachers fired.
Until very recently, Timothy Torkildson blogged for the Nomen Global Language Center — an ESL school in Provo, Utah. Earlier this month, Mr. Torkildson wrote a blog post explaining why homophones can be a difficult concept for new English speakers to grasp. Then, he was fired. In his original post entitled “Help with Homophones,” Torkildson wrote, “In English a homophone is a word that has sever

7-31-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: No ten minute drawings for the next few days.President Eskelsen Garcia. Meet Senate Bill 7.This blogger and NEA President-elect Lily Eskelsen Garcia at the NEA RA in Denver. If you go back and read my report from the Representative Assembly of the NEA – I was a retired delegate – you will see that I t