Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Why would anyone have remained a teacher when… ? | Reclaim Reform

Why would anyone have remained a teacher when… ? | Reclaim Reform:

Why would anyone have remained a teacher when… ?

Dear Everyone,
Not long after I began teaching Language Arts at the high school level in a Chicago suburb, I underwent very serious surgery that was unexpected. When I returned to the classroom, I was still healing and would be for many months to come. I asked several teachers in my department for any materials they were willing to share with me.
Although I knew I would do my best for my students each and every day, I was under no delusions that I was at my best. Teaching is not easy.
Those teachers and others gave me more than I ever expected. They also gave me personal notes on what they thought I should try along with suggestions on how to do it. I learned from them as they supported me. We talked whenever we could – bursts of advice and suggestions. It was an amazing experience for me. This went on for the entire school year.
I cannot tell you how thankful I was and am to those teachers and the others who simply got me through a major personal crisis.
Needless to say, I learned that life and learning are cooperative and not competitive.
Because I realized that I was ever beholden to them for what they did for me, I strove to be my best to them and for them. For years my mind was filled with the message, “Don’t screw it up.” I was not about to let what I learned from them be wasted. Friendships and trusts developed.
None of this should be surprising to most people.
But, there is something more, much more, about what actually happened.
As teachers, they all wanted the children in my classes to learn. Yes, they behaved in the Why would anyone have remained a teacher when… ? | Reclaim Reform: