Monday, July 21, 2014

The Myth of the Helpless Parent | Truth in American Education

The Myth of the Helpless Parent | Truth in American Education:

The Myth of the Helpless Parent

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on July 21, 2014 • 0 Comments
“I Can” statements are all the rage in our public schools. Students are to say “I can” and then positively reaffirm something they feel capable of doing.
I’m offering suggestions for “We can” statements. If your school district obeys the law, tells the truth, spends money wisely, and properly educates children, then you probably don’t need these. Sadly, most citizens don’t have a school district like that, and this article is directed to them.
Parents have been trained for decades to trust in America’s K-12 government schools. This trust now serves the districts but not the students within them. Most districts aren’t being held accountable for violations of the law; failures to properly educate children; improper spending of tax dollars; or long-term refusals to tell citizens the truth.
Many districts seem increasingly dictatorial, deceitful, expensive and intrusive. We trust them with our children, and in return, they lie to us, miseducate our children and blame us for their The Myth of the Helpless Parent | Truth in American Education: