Friday, July 18, 2014

The Answer Sheet 7-18-14

Answer Sheet:

Mom’s letter to college-bound daughter: Why ‘I have reason to fear’
Vicki Abeles is a filmmaker, attorney and mother of three. She is also the co-director and producer of the education documentary “Race to Nowhere,” which revealed the damage to young people being done by the pressures of school, homework, tutoring and extracurricular activities. In the following letter Abeles tells her daughter Jamey, who will be […]

The Answer Sheet 7-17-14
Answer Sheet: A basic flaw in the argument against affirmative actionA panel of judges from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals just issued a ruling saying that the University of Texas can continue to use race as one factor in undergraduate admissions decisions in an effort to create a diverse student body. The judges were ruling in the high-profile case of a white Texas […]by Valerie Strauss /