Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Answer Sheet 7-16-14

Answer Sheet:

Did Obama and Duncan really hear what four teachers told them?
Here is the third in a series of pieces I have been publishing about a lunch meeting that President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan had recently with four teachers from high-poverty schools that focused on education, the teaching profession and school reform. The first was a post by teacher Justin Minkel — the 2007 […]
Why building relationships is vital in school reform
Is it possible that some school reforms that hold promise are failing because educators are simply not given the time or resources to communicate and build meaningful relationships with each other in order to properly implement them? Or because the conditions in which they do their work do not support productive interactions?  The authors of […]

The Answer Sheet 7-13-14
Answer Sheet: Readers react to what teachers told ObamaThere was a lot of reaction to a post I published a few days ago about what happened when four teachers from high-poverty schools sat down with President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan for lunch at the White House to talk about education, teaching and school reform. Here are some of the reactions from […]5 by Valerie Strauss / 21min