Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Teacher Tenure | Deborah Meier on Education

Teacher Tenure | Deborah Meier on Education:

Teacher Tenure

My son’s latest blog on the teacher tenure issue
Originally posted on Nicholas Meier:
There was a recent lower court ruling against so-called “Teacher Tenure” here in California. I am really not sure about the extent of the ruling, but the general verdict was that “tenure” was unfair to providing an equal education for all students as called for by the State Constitution.
I believe the reading was faulty for a broad range of reasons. First of all, teachers in California do not actually have tenure, at least not in the sense that professors get tenure.
When a professor has tenure they can be fired only for some gross negligence or breaking of the law. Poor teaching, doing a shoddy job, or poor research cannot lead to loss of position. under most university tenure rules. Of course, it takes much longer (typically 7 years) and a much more difficult process for professors to get that protection.
As a for k-12 teachers in California, my…
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