Tuesday, July 1, 2014

SBE to clarify LCFF sanctions :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet

SBE to clarify LCFF sanctions :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet:

SBE to clarify LCFF sanctions

SBE to clarify LCFF sanctions

(Calif.) Even as districts met the June deadline for meeting new accountability measures under the Local Control Funding Formula, changes to the system are already in the wind.
Next week, the California State Board of Education will take up amendments that will clarify a county superintendent’s oversight role in the process.
The state board will also consider added reporting regulations requiring districts to demonstrate how they have increased or improved services to disadvantaged pupils in proportion to the extra funding provided for that purpose.
The much heralded, yet much debated, Local Control Funding Formula is up for discussion both July 9 and 10 when the SBE meets to dispense its monthly workload.
After reviewing a history of their work on LCFF on Wednesday, board members on Thursday will vote on final spending regulations as well as the associated Local Control Accountability Plan template.
New language in the regulations, which call for county school superintendents to review and approve district LCAPs, state that if the administrator does not approve a plan ‘because the district has failed to meet its requirement to increase or improve services’ for targeted students, the county office is then responsible for providing technical assistance to the district to help it meet the goal.
The proposed final regulations also lay out the formula by which districts can calculate the number of English learner, poor and foster students that qualify it for either additional ‘supplemental’ or ‘concentration grants’ under the LCFF.
The rules give wide discretion to local districts meeting the concentration or supplemental funding SBE to clarify LCFF sanctions :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: