Tuesday, July 22, 2014

On Charter Schools, Say This, Not That | EduShyster

On Charter Schools, Say This, Not That | EduShyster:

On Charter Schools, Say This, Not That

A new guide to charter messaging urges advocates to steer clear of corporate speak
say this not that-1Once every four minutes, a passionate charter advocate accidentally lapses into the kind of clinical corporate speak that can leave listeners cold—not to mention kids out of the equation. Would that there were a way to remedy this problem once and for all… Great news, reader. Problem solved! A handy new guide to charter school messaging ensures that never again will you accidentally say *market share* when you mean *student share* or *businesses* when what you really meant to mean all along was *schools.*
Say this, not this
The Charter School Messaging Notebook was prepared for theNational Alliance for Public Charter Schools by the Glover Park Group, which specializes in *creative, disruptive thinking, deep insights and senior counsel* (Shout out to my secret reformy pal for sharing…) And the results are crystal clear, reader. *When we use words that work, people like what they hear—and that means more support for charter schools.* In other words, say this, not this…
say this not that chart
Know when to change the subject
Well that was easy. But just to be safe, you’ll want to print and laminate this essential *Say This/Not This* chart with you as a constant reminder never to say *experiments* when what your really meant, of course, was *responsive to student needs.* Which means thaOn Charter Schools, Say This, Not That | EduShyster: