Sunday, July 13, 2014

Gates Funding Mainstream Education Reporting | Truth in American Education

Gates Funding Mainstream Education Reporting | Truth in American Education:

Gates Funding Mainstream Education Reporting

Filed in Common Core State Standards by  on July 14, 2014 • 0 Comments
NBC News' Education coverage is bought and paid for by Bill Gates. Photo credit: World Economic Forum (CC-By-SA 2.0)
NBC News’ Education coverage is bought and paid for by Bill Gates.
Photo credit: World Economic Forum (CC-By-SA 2.0)
A friend shared with me this NBC News article on my Facebook wall.  It discussed the #CanISee conference that was held in Austin, TX last month.  It was titled “Meet America’s Most Hardcore Common Core Moms.”
While I think most would consider that as a compliment, I’m not sure that the article’s author, Nona Willis Aronowitz, intended it that way.  After calling the conservative element of the Stop Common Core movement as a “small, but vocal faction on the right.”  She said the repeals in Republican states of Indiana (no mention of rebrand), Oklahoma and South Carolina being due to “pressure from small groups of local activists.”
Do you really think politicians will do anything they don’t want to do if they perceive the group pressuring them is small?
She cites a “recent” Gallup poll that is almost a year old.  More than 33% of the population know about the Common Core.  Why not mention the poll that was taken last month that shows support for the Common Core plummeting with parents of school-aged kids?  Parents are learning more about the Common Core, and the more they learn the less they like it.
She then wrote this:
Austin’s #CanISee conference —as in, “Can I see what my children are learning?”— is a who’s-who of the far-right movement that some peg as fringe, but nevertheless gets results….
For the mostly female, mostly older, all-white crowd, Common Core is more than an attack on states’ rights; it’s an affront to Christian, conservative values. These mothers and 
Gates Funding Mainstream Education Reporting | Truth in American Education: