Monday, July 14, 2014

Former United Federation of Teachers VP Leo Casey Tries to Twitter-slam Me | deutsch29

Former United Federation of Teachers VP Leo Casey Tries to Twitter-slam Me | deutsch29:

Former United Federation of Teachers VP Leo Casey Tries to Twitter-slam Me

July 14, 2014

I have been asked numerous times to join Twitter. The response I offer to this request: I haven’t the time to keep up with Twitter.
That doesn’t mean that I do not occasionally become the topic of a Twitter exchange, however.
Apparently such an exchange began on July 10, 2014, between New York City teacher Arthur Goldstein and former United Federation of Teachers VP Leo Casey.  The exchange also includes a Kathleen Casey. I do not know who she is.
According to Leo Casey, I “spin conspiracy theories” and that “anyone who disagrees with me” is “in league with the devil.”
Below is the Goldstein-Casey exchange, apparently over my post about American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten’s July 8, 2014, reluctant admission that she is a member of the secretive Democracy Alliance.
[Leo Casey] Why stop here? There’s always the illuminati to expose.
<-PAXP-deijE.gif> Randi Weingarten, Twitter, and ‘Secret Society’ Membership

[Quote] I wonder exactly what “progressive agenda advancing” organizations Weingarten and her sidekick Ringuette have decided to “invest” in on behalf of AFT members. Just don’t ask her about those investment specifics….

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Kathleen Casey Who is Mercedes Schneider? 10 July at 19:02 ·
Leo Casey She spins conspiracy theories about progressives on the theory that anyone who disagrees with her is in league with the devil.

Arthur Goldstein Mercedes is a public school teacher, a former college professor, a thinker and a writer who’s regularly acknowledged and published byDiane Ravitch. She recently published a book. I’ve spent time with her. She’s quick-witted and soft-spoken. It’s disappointing to see ad hominem attacks against her containing no evidence whatsoever to refute her arguments. It’s further disappointing to see absurd notions planted in her mouth.
Yesterday at 07:56 · Like

Leo Casey All you need to do is read the latest missive, attached to the Former United Federation of Teachers VP Leo Casey Tries to Twitter-slam Me | deutsch29: