Sunday, July 6, 2014

7-6-14 Schools Matter All Week

Schools Matter:

Ravitch Waves Goodbye to Common Core "Testing" and Throws Kisses to Dennis and Randi

I read both of Diane Ravitch's books that she wrote after her conversion experience and subsequent surrender of her honored chair with the boys at Hoover/Koret/Fordham, and I kept looking to find out the real history of American corporate education reform, the one that Diane had ignored in every one of her books prior to her conversion.  What I found in her newer books was more or less a watered d

7-5-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter:  Schools Matter All WeekDavid Brooks: In Praise of SegregationIt's not often that NYTimes conservative columnist, David Brooks, finds any way to use science try to justify the lifestyles of the rich and separate, but someone sent him news of a study that he obviously felt he could manipulate to rationalize the continuing resegregation of America and its schools. Good fences make go