Thursday, July 24, 2014

7-24-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Our overall scores are unspectacular because of our high rate of child poverty. (WSJ)

Test Scores, Students and LearningOur overall scores are unspectacular because of our high rate of child poverty.Published in the Wall Street Journal, July 24, 2014.When researchers control for the effect of poverty, American scores on international tests are at the top of the world. Our overall scores are unspectacular because of our high rate of child poverty. The U.S. has the second highest l

7-23-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Why Rhonda's and Lili's Resignations Are More Important Than Arne'sAs Weingarten was about to be re-appointed by Saddam proportions (97%) at the recent coronation exercises in Los Angeles, the biggest diversion of the week grew from whether Rhonda would call for Arne's resignation.  Ooh! What sad theatre! Sadly, if Duncan were to leave tomorrow to play Golden Oldie basketball full