Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7-22-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Four Reasons Why I Am Pumped Up About the BATS March on Washington

With A Brooklyn Accent:

Four Reasons Why I Am Pumped Up About the BATS March on Washington

1. It is a celebration of the creativity of public school teachers, parents and students as well as a protest with songs, plays, flash mobs, banners, poems and chants. What it is NOT, is a litany of boring speeches.2. It is a multiracial event which show cases our movement's growing strength in the inner city, with speakers highlighting protests against corporate school reform in Chicago, Newark,

7-20-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Love Letters to the BATS
With A Brooklyn Accent: New York Now Leads the Way in the Movement Against Common Core- At The Polls  Something truly extraordinary has happened in the New York State Gubernatorial race-something with broad national implications.  A big money Democratic Governor, Andrew Cuomo, who thought he was going to make himself a front runner in the 2016 Presidential Race by ramming through legislation requi