Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7-22-14 Jersey Jazzman

Jersey Jazzman:

What Exactly Does Campbell Brown Want?
It appears that Campbell Brown, in the wake of Michelle Rhee's continuing descent into irrelevance, is going to be the new face of reforminess for the foreseeable future. Say what you will about Rhee, at least she taught for a couple of years; Brown forms her opinions about teachers, however, unencumbered by even that little bit of experience:Under New York law, schools must decide after just thre

7-20-14 Jersey Jazzman
Jersey Jazzman: Civil Conversations Are Honest ConversationsVia Peter Greene, I see that Andy Smarick, formerly of the New Jersey Department of Education, is quite vexed at the idea that someone's feelings may get hurt when discussing the expansion of charter schools:I have two concerns with the way these things are trending. The first is that our field needs someone who consistently makes earnest