Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7-21-14 The Whole Child Blog — Free Webinar: Digital Learning Strategies with Mike Fisher

The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education:

Free Webinar: Digital Learning Strategies with Mike Fisher
Join Mike Fisher, author of the ASCD Arias Digital Learning Strategies: How do I assign and assess 21st century work?, for an exciting, free webinar to explore six questions for deciding whether or not to digitize your instructional strategies, processes, or products. Thursday, July 31, 2014, 3:00 p.m. eastern time Register now! How do you assign and assess digital work? More than a decade into t

7-21-14 The Whole Child Blog — What Advice Do You Have for New Principals?
The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education: What Advice Do You Have for New Principals?As the key players in developing the climate, culture, and processes in their schools, principals are critical to implementing meaningful and lasting change in the ongoing school-improvement process. Those who have a clear vision; inspire and engage others in embracing change for improvement; drive, facilitate