Monday, July 21, 2014

7-21-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Arizona Charter, Heritage Academy, Teaching the Benefits of Slavery for African Americans
From Atlanta Black Star:A charter school in Arizona has come under fire after it was revealed the school is using controversial books that suggest slavery was actually beneficial for African-Americans.Despite the backlash, the school’s principal is defending the use of the texts in the classroom, claiming that the school is not purposefully trying to change the students’ religious and political vi

TURNcoats Meet in Rosemont, IL to Promote Common Core
7-20-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: NEA, SEIU, and Eli BroadAt the recent AFT and NEA coronations, there was news about new linkages with SEIU, whose former president, Andy Stern, had close ties with Broad, Gates, and Obama (Stern had a choice seat in the Obama box at the Inauguration Parade). Below is part of a post I did in 2007, a day or so after a big fund-raiser in Los Angles for charter chain, Green Dot Public