Sunday, July 20, 2014

7-20-14 Jersey Jazzman

Jersey Jazzman:

Civil Conversations Are Honest Conversations
Via Peter Greene, I see that Andy Smarick, formerly of the New Jersey Department of Education, is quite vexed at the idea that someone's feelings may get hurt when discussing the expansion of charter schools:I have two concerns with the way these things are trending. The first is that our field needs someone who consistently makes earnest, objective, sturdy philosophical arguments against charteri

7-19-14 Jersey Jazzman NJ Ed News Round-up Jammin' All Week
Jersey Jazzman:Jersey Jazzman Jammin' All Week@GovChristie's Executive Order Lays Bare the Fundamental Problems with AchieveNJYesterday, Chris Christie tried to play the "reasonable" reformer with his executive order on testing:First, he announced an executive order creating a new state task force -- entirely appointed by Christie – to study the effectiveness of state testing as a whole,