Thursday, June 12, 2014

Terrible Twos | EduShyster

Terrible Twos | EduShyster:

Terrible Twos

EduShyster turns two years old—and confronts some fiercely urgent questions…
toddler pics 4So what are some of the big lessons you learned this year?
That when you establish yourself as an obnoxious online presence, you go over surprisingly well when peoplemeet you in real life. And that when you use a combination of facts and whimsy, and basically say the same things over and over again, everyonce in a while people actually pay attention. Also, that there appear to be quite a few people doing extraordinarily well by *doing good*…
toddler pics 5You’re still thinking about those sheets atCamp-Reform-a-Lot, aren’t you?
And the robe of reform. It was just so…luxurious. This is why I need to try to score some big-money backers when I go to Vegas.
Wait, you’re going to Vegas?!? You’ve never been there before.
I am indeed. I’m headed to the big charter school confab at the end of the month because, well, *The Numbers Add Up.* (Note: this is actually the theme of the conference which pleases me greatly.) I’ll be on the look out for tensions and contradictions within the charter school movement. And of course I’m looking forward to taunting my number one Terrible Twos | EduShyster: