Sunday, June 29, 2014

Some books simply stand out: The Teachers’ Lounge (Uncensored) by Kelly Flynn | Reclaim Reform

Some books simply stand out: The Teachers’ Lounge (Uncensored) by Kelly Flynn | Reclaim Reform:

Some books simply stand out: The Teachers’ Lounge (Uncensored) by Kelly Flynn

Money is tight. Books can be expensive. The Teachers’ Lounge (Uncensored)by Kelly Flynn is worth your money and your time. Parents, school board members, older students, curious taxpayers, education advocates, and teachers will all learn something from this insightful and easy to read book written for a wide audience.
The (Uncensored) aspect refers to the honesty of seeing a school filled with real human beings rather than mere data providers and testing machines. So, if you are looking for the sole salacious material, read page 133 where the word cleavage is used. To teachers, the teachers’ lounge is the designated free speech area (Uncensored) of a school where during a few brief moments of respite truths can be uttered. Kelly Flynn is a good utterer of these truths.
If you want an honest view of the state of schools today from the perspective of a perceptive teacher and writer, you have found the right book.
The full scope and direction of the book is easily viewed on Amazon’s site by reading the table of contents and a few pages selected by the author HERE.
Let the book speak for itself. Here are a few examples from elsewhere in The Teachers’ Lounge (Uncensored).
“When parents send their children off to school, of course they hope that they will learn the right answers. But it’s important that they learn to ask the right questions as well.
“Corporate reformers want to dismantle public education, sell the pieces to the highest bidder, and ultimately increase their company’s bottom line.
“Big business believes that the purpose of education is to create a better worker. And to Some books simply stand out: The Teachers’ Lounge (Uncensored) by Kelly Flynn | Reclaim Reform: