Wednesday, June 25, 2014

LAUSD allots funds to schools with highest student need | EdSource

Highlighting Strategies for Student Success | EdSource:

San Diego Unified board members OK accountability plan
The San Diego Unified School District unanimously approved its spending and accountability plan Tuesday despite renewed calls from some community and parent advocates for more details about how the school system will spend state funds. California’s new funding formula requires each district to draft a Local Control and Accountability Plan to show how it will use state dollars to improve student...
Santa Ana Unified passes accountability plan
The Santa Ana Unified School District board unanimously approved its three-year spending and accountability plan to improve student achievement Tuesday. While the state-mandated plan outlines the district’s goals and expectations, Santa Ana Unified schools will play an integral role in shaping how those objectives will be met at their individual sites. Schools will have a total of $8.5 million in.
3 key budget moves favor teacher – not student – needs
With increased revenues in the state’s coffers, there are many things to like in the budget signed by Gov. Jerry Brown last week, but three key developments are setting off alarms for education advocates and community groups who supported the landmark Local Control Funding Formula reform. With each of them, the governor seems to be shaping or restricting the newfound flexibility in the funding....
California special ed to get federal intervention
The U.S. Department of Education said Tuesday that California special education programs need federal intervention, citing the lack of significant academic progress for students with special needs. California is one of three states, along with Texas and Delaware, designated for a one-year program of intervention. The designation comes as U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced a new...
Three districts rewrite rules for campus police
Three large school districts in California are rewriting the rules about how and when police should be involved on their campuses, complementing broader efforts to implement less punitive disciplinary practices. Oakland Unified, San Francisco Unified and Pasadena Unified are revamping their policies to ensure that police are called as a last resort. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit the Ed
LAUSD allots funds to schools with highest student need
The Los Angeles Unified School District will begin using a new student need index to direct additional funding to the neediest schools under a plan expected to be adopted by the school board today. The plan relies on counting students twice if they are low-income, English learners, foster or homeless students. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit the Edsource Today website for full links, oth
East Side Union board passes LCAP with a caveat
In passing the district's first Local Control and Accountability Plan, the trustees of the East Side Union High School District agreed that the LCAP needs more details to meet the commitment to improve the academic performance of African-American students. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit the Edsource Today website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
San Diego Unified works to clarify accountability plan for community, parents
The San Diego Unified School District appeared to face few challenges when it kicked off a comprehensive effort late last year to craft a state-mandated guide outlining the school system’s academic and financial future. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit the Edsource Today website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
San Jose district, teachers file bill seeking exception to tenure law
A Superior Court judge’s ruling last week in the Vergara case, striking down the state’s two-year teacher tenure law, has given new impetus to the San Jose Unified School District’s pursuit of a longer probationary period for teachers in some cases. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit the Edsource Today website for full links, other content, and more! ]]