Sunday, June 8, 2014

Common Core Does Include Data Collection. It’s the Foundation for the Data & Accountability Systems. | Missouri Education Watchdog

Common Core Does Include Data Collection. It’s the Foundation for the Data & Accountability Systems. | Missouri Education Watchdog:

Common Core Does Include Data Collection. It’s the Foundation for the Data & Accountability Systems.

Put away those tin foil hats.  It’s confirmed.  Data tracking will be done (if it’s not already) on your child without your permission.  Here’s a memo to the Common Core proponents: stop telling us the Common Core State Standards Initiative is “only standards” and has nothing to do with data.  From the lead in to Big Brother: Meet the Parents:
(click on graphic to enlarge)

politico and data
What the Politico piece doesn’t answer is HOW this data will be gathered.  It will be gathered by the common coded data sets and assessments ready to be rolled out when education is homogenized via the CCSSI.  Remember the 2010 document from Achieve stating the real reason for the standards?  From a previous post:

Politico notes:

The amateur activists have already claimed one trophy, torpedoing a privately run, $100 million database set up to make it easier for schools to share confidential student records with private companies. The project, known as inBloom, folded this spring under tremendous parent pressure, just 15 months after its triumphal public launch.
Now, parents are rallying against another perceived threat: huge state databases being built to track children for more than two decades, from as early as infancy through the start of their careers.
Promoted by the Obama administration, the databases are being built in nearly every state at a total cost of well over $1 billion. They are intended to store intimate details on tens of millions of children and young adults — identified by name, birth date, 
Common Core Does Include Data Collection. It’s the Foundation for the Data & Accountability Systems. | Missouri Education Watchdog: