Thursday, June 12, 2014

Answer Sheet 6-12-14

Answer Sheet:

AFT’s Weingarten smacks Arne Duncan about his praise for Vergara decision
American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten just sent a letter (see below) to Education Secretary Arne Duncan blasting him for his statement praising a California judge’s decision to throw out five state statutes that provide job protections to teachers. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Rolf M. Treu handed down a ruling in Vergara vs […]

Real learning doesn’t ‘look like 6-year-olds slumped in chairs … staring at iPads’ — parent tells school board
Massachusetts parent Tassia Thomas gave the following testimony to the Cambridge School Committee — a panel of seven members that sets policy and oversees Cambridge Public Schools – earlier this month. It appeared in Cambridge Day, which said it had lightly edited her comments for publication. Here’s what she said: I am disturbed by the lack […]
New York Gov. Cuomo may face primary challenge from progressive Democrat
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, seeking re-election this year, recently secured the endorsement of the progressive Working Families Party, which had been expected to back a challenger but sided with the governor after he made a series of promises about meeting their political agenda. But a good number of party members are unhappy with the […]
California PTA urges sane homework loads
 Race to Nowhere is a film produced and co-directed by Vicki Abeles about the consequences young people face today as a result of being over-scheduled, over-tested and pressured to achieve. Since the film came out in 2010, Abeles, an attorney and mother of three has been advocating for sane homework policies. In this post she […]

Answer Sheet 6-11-14
Answer Sheet: A silver lining in the Vergara decision?A decision by a California judge on Tuesday to strike down — pending appeal — five state statutes that provide job protections to teachers has deeply troubled many teachers and teacher activists concerned about the effect on the profession should the ruling stand. Here is a detailed look on what might be a silver lining […]39 by Valerie Strauss