Monday, June 16, 2014

AFT’s Randi Weingarten, Jonathan Pelto, Dan Malloy, Connecticut and the Fate of Public Education | Reclaim Reform

AFT’s Randi Weingarten, Jonathan Pelto, Dan Malloy, Connecticut and the Fate of Public Education | Reclaim Reform:

AFT’s Randi Weingarten, Jonathan Pelto, Dan Malloy, Connecticut and the Fate of Public Education

What happens to public education, real education minus the corporate reform movement which drains hundreds of millions of dollars from public education funds to pay private multinational corporations for insane levels of high stakes testing along with all the requisite expensive paraphernalia while leaving schools in need of basic necessities, when the majority Democratic Party legislators and governor promote draconian Tea Party cuts and the feeding of corporate bottom lines?
Well, first, all political opposition needs to be stonewalled. Silenced. Then the dismantling of decent public education can proceed undiminished.
Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy (D) in conjunction with buddies in the AFL-CIO won’t even permit opposition candidate Jonathan Pelto to speak to delegates at the annual endorsing convention.
“The Connecticut AFL-CIO will be holding their 10th Biennial Political Convention starting today at the Omni Hotel in New Haven.  Although Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Foley and Lieutenant Governor candidate, Penny Bacchiochi will be addressing delegates at 11:00 am today and Governor Dannel P. Malloy and his Democratic running mate, Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman, will speak to delegates this afternoon, repeated requests by third party gubernatorial candidate Jonathan Pelto to speak to the delegates have gone unanswered and it appears that Pelto will not be allowed to address the union delegates who will be endorsing a gubernatorial candidate during the second day of the AFL-CIO convention tomorrow.”Pelto must be very strongly supported to be feared to the point of not allowing him to speak publicly at the convention.
Read the entire Wait… What? article HERE.
How much of a sell-out ,right-wing, corporate toadie has Malloy become? Read about his condemnation of public education as he seeks financial backing from the rightest of right-wing extremist wealth groups, the American Heritage Foundation.
“In his re-election campaign, Governor Malloy can count on the financial support of AFT’s Randi Weingarten, Jonathan Pelto, Dan Malloy, Connecticut and the Fate of Public Education | Reclaim Reform: