Saturday, June 7, 2014

6-7-14 THE WHOLE WEEK @ The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education

The Whole Child Blog — Whole Child Education:

THE WHOLE WEEK @ The Whole Child Blog 

Free Webinar: Technology Integration to Meet the Needs of the Common Core
Join ASCD Faculty member Andrew Miller for an exciting, free webinar to learn how to integrate technology in your classroom to support students' needs and the Common Core. Monday, June 9, 2014, 3:00 p.m. eastern time Register now! In this webinar, participants will unpack specific Common Core State Standards across grade levels and subject areas to see how the Common Core calls for technology int

JUN 05

Daniel Pink: Perfecting Your Power to Move Others
Educators teach, lead, and are learners, themselves. But there's a big piece of every profession that often gets overlooked. In his 2014 ASCD Annual Conference opening general session, author Daniel Pink argued that, in a significant way, educators are also persuaders. "A big part of what you do is try to move people," said Pink. Pink surveyed 7,000 full-time, adult workers and found

JUN 04

Teachers Are Not a Problem. They Are an Opportunity.
Written by Andy Hargreaves, the Thomas More Brennan Chair in the Lynch School of Education at Boston College. This article originally appeared on Education Week's Finding Common Ground blog. Woody Allen quipped that when we face a crossroads in life that leads to utter hopelessness or total extinction, we should choose wisely between them. Yogi Berra said that if we come to a fork in the road, we
The Dilemma of Choice
The decisions we make today—for our systems, our schools, and our classrooms—will affect what all of our tomorrows will look like. This spring, ASCD hosted its inaugural Whole Child Symposium, a series of in-person and online events in which experts, policymakers, teachers, and students discussed education policies, processes, and practices and their influence on children, societies, and economies

JUN 03

Throughout Summer: Making a Difference
Ask educators why they went into teaching, and the majority will respond that they wanted to make a difference in the lives of young people. That initial idealism, however, is often challenged by the realities of heavy workloads, classroom discipline problems, and bureaucratic demands. How are you (and your teams) working to ensure that each child in your school and community is healthy, safe, eng

JUN 02

Physical Education and Physical Activity
We know that students do better in school when they are emotionally and physically healthy. They miss fewer classes, are less likely to engage in risky or antisocial behavior, concentrate more, and achieve higher test scores. Research shows physical education programs not only improve physical fitness, but they can also benefit students by improving skill development, reinforcing self-discipline,
Self-Selecting, Real-World Learning Communities
Post written by Walter McKenzie Imagine in your mind, a map of your community. Nothing detailed; just the boundaries and general lay of the land. Got it? Now add in the major areas in your community where people live and work and play. You know, to give yourself some bearings with a few landmarks. Still with me? Good! Now convert this mental image into a heat map. You know, where the hot spots fla

MAY 30

Discover the Flip: Putting Learning at the Center of the Classroom
Post written by Mikaela Dwyer, a journalism student at Southern New Hampshire University in Manchester. She considers herself a human rights activist and spends her time volunteering on campus and with various local nonprofits. After graduation, Dwyer hopes to join the Peace Corps and then become an investigative journalist for human rights issues. Both Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, authors of Flip