Friday, June 27, 2014

6-27-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

Learn about TMoE at Chalkface Radio Interview Archive

Chalkface Radio has up a terrific interview archive.  Check it out. Here's the one Denise Wilburn and I did 10 months ago, soon after The Mismeasure of Education was published.  Current Politics Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Chalk Face on BlogTalkRadioJuly 12 will mark the one year since TMoE was published.  How time flies.  Buy the book at B&N or Powell's Books or IAP.  Please don't buy it

6-26-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Corporate Education Reform: the "civil rights issue" up until it actually addresses civil rights issues like segregation"Children have a right and a need to have quality schools in their neighborhood." — Francis Howell School District White school district sends black kids back to failed schools The one upside to the article is that it clearly puts to lie the co