Friday, June 27, 2014

6-27-14 Curmudgucation


CAP Releases New CCSS Baloney Sandwich
For a couple of days I have had CAP's new "report" open on my desktop, trying to slowly drag myself through it. From its odd cover image (uniformed school children, grasping gigantic pencils; one tries to nonchalantly look at the other's paper, while the cheatee looks bag with an expression of "Oh, no, you didn't") to its final pages of "endnotes" cataloging reference

NEA Gives Unencouraging Assembly Preview
The NEA issued an open letter on behalf of itself and "the educators of America." It says something about my tortured relationship with my national union that when they speak, I become anxious. Are they going to say something useful, or are they going to embarrass me again? Let's see how things go this time.We start with a history lesson. NCLB was a thing. It involved testing. The testin

Buy Mercedes Schneider's Book

Mercedes Schneider is pissed.There are many things that come through in her book A Chronicle of Echoes, but what's most immediately palpable is her anger at what has been done to public education in this country. And as each chapter unrolls, it's impossible not to see why she is so angry.Schneider is one of the most important bloggers in the edublogosphere. She is a tireless researcher, with a car

6-26-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Seven Trends in the Teacher Work ForceIn April, the Consortium for Policy Research in Education released a paper entitled "Seven Trends: the Transformation of the Teaching Force." What the title lacks in sass and flash it makes up for in accuracy, and although the most recent data are from 2012, it still makes for interesting reading. Let's look at the seven trends.Larger