Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6-24-14 Schools Matter

Schools Matter:

This Week's Charter Corruption and Crime Log
Charter schools release teacher salaries, withhold admin payCharter school officials face federal bribery chargesMost Michigan charter companies don't follow financial disclosure lawHartford Charter School CEO Acknowledges Inaccurate Academic CredentialSE Idaho charter school could have charter revokedCharter schools under more scrutinyCriminal Convictions Of Charter Schools Group's CEO Raise Ques
Isolation and Restraint: Will MicrosoftNBC Televise School Lockup?
Great reporting by ProPublica and Alternet on the realities that are never presented by the corporate media:Public schoolchildren across the country were physically restrained or isolated in rooms they couldn’t leave at least 267,000 times in the 2011-2012 school year, despite a near-consensus that such practices are dangerous and have no therapeutic benefit. Many states have little regulation or

NJ Legislature Waking Up to Damage of Common Core and High Stakes Testing
This didn't happen by osmosis. It happened because parents, teachers, administrators and citizens in New Jersey have been lobbying their local representatives to end the damage being done to their children by high stakes testing that is abusive and punitive for teachers, schools and communities.The people of New Jersey have had enough of Governor Christie and Common Core Standards tied to multiple
Pence's Indiana Career Council: The Latest Power Grab?
by Doug MartinEarlier, I found the below message posted on facebook.  I haven't seen the original text this facebook post quotes from, since it costs money to subscribe to the Indiana Education Insight, but it would not surprise me if there's another attempt in the works to steal power from Glenda Ritz and taxpayers in Indiana.The Indiana Career Council mentioned below met on June 16th.  Pence is

6-23-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Former Student Sees KIPP As "a cancer"This student graduated from KIPP in the early 2000s:KIPP at its core means well but it is a cancer, one that threatens children with Machiavellian methods and punishments that are unneccessary.by Jim Horn / 41min 6-22-14 Schools MatterSchools Matter: Learning About Liberty in a Charter Chain GangThis KIPP knock-off, Nashville Prep, ha