Sunday, June 22, 2014

6-22-14 Answer Sheet

Answer Sheet:

A teacher’s plea to bosses: Give us ‘time and autonomy to create solutions’
If you talk to teachers about their jobs, one of the things you will hear most consistently is that they don’t have enough time to plan, collaborate and learn from each other. Here is an open letter from a teacher to superintendents and administrators everywhere explaining why this is so important. It was written by […]

All Week @ The Answer Sheet 6-21-14
The Answer Sheet:All Week @ The Answer SheetGetting kids involved in summer learning — city by city, town by town, student by studentSarah Pitcock is the CEO of the National Summer Association, which is dedicated to creating quality summer learning opportunities for young people, particularly low-income students who suffer more learning loss over the summer than other students. In this post Pitcoc