Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6-17-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

End of the Year Changes May Be Foretelling for Others
As for the title of this thread, I am hearing some rumblings of a rather large change that may come to the district very soon.  I am trying to learn more and when I know for certain I will let you know.  I hesitate to say anything specific.  There are two reasons for me saying anything at all. One, because I believe parents deserve a heads up early (if only to brace yourself). Two, because I rarel

Tuesday Open Thread
Great article at Publicola on the McCleary ruling (with slide from the Office of Financial Management).  Meanwhile, over at the Times, the editorial board is saying that the Supreme Court is "menacing" the Legislature.  They say that "so far" the Legislature has done everything the Court has asked.  Except fully fund education in a clear and explainable manner.  The Legislature

6-16-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle School Leadership Changes at South Shore/Graham HillSouth Shore K-8 is losing its award-winning principal, Keisha Scarlett.  Their new principal will be Dr. Laurie Morrison who had previously served as assistance principal and was the principal at Graham Hill Elementary.  Ms. Scarlett is going to be the district's "principal leadership coach." Wha