Saturday, June 14, 2014

6-14-14 Wait What? - Jonathan Pelto: Gubernatorial Candidate and A Really Nice Guy

Wait What?:

  Wait What? All Week

Last week a California superior court judge ruled that California’s state’s teacher tenure law was illegal. Public school advocates, teachers and teacher unions across the nation condemned the judge’s ruling as unfair, inappropriate and little more than a propaganda piece for the billionaires who are funding the corporate education reform industry’s attack on public education […] The post Don’t be

“I don’t need to respond to what Jonathan says,” Malloy told reporters.
Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy is absolutely correct.  He doesn’t need to respond to what I say. In fact, as is his style, Malloy doesn’t need to respond to what anyone says…at least not until the voters have had their say in November. But that said, when it comes Malloy’s anti-teacher, anti-public education, pro-corporate education reform […] The post “I don’t need to respond to what Jonathan says,

JUN 12

Pelto To Run For Governor
Press Release:  6/12/2014 Pelto To Run For Governor - Will Covert from Exploratory Committee to Candidate Committee for Governor Former state legislator Jonathan Pelto is announcing that he will be a candidate for Governor this year and that he and his Lt. Governor candidate, Ebony Murphy, will be converting their exploratory committee into a candidate committee […] The post Pelto To Run For Gover

JUN 11

We know what limits educational achievement, Steve Perry doesn’t
Poverty, language barriers and failure to provide sufficient special education services are the primary factors the led to the educational achievement gap in this country. In any place, including Connecticut, inadequate state funding for public schools makes it virtually impossible to adequately respond to the growing challenges associated with the factors the led to this […] The post We know what
Why doesn’t Connecticut have a Fair and Progressive Income Tax?
In Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy’s world of “Shared Sacrifice,” middle-income families have taken a disproportionate hit. On the state level, Malloy’s tax plan resulted in higher state income tax rates, a reduced property tax credit, more sales taxes and the largest gas tax increase in state history.  All of these taxes had a heavy impact […] The post Why doesn’t Connecticut have a Fair and Progres

JUN 10

Connecticut – Otherwise known as “Budget Gimmicks R US”
Some call it “Dishonest Budgeting.” Others call it “Cooking the Books” And still others say… “Well, it’s just the way thing are done here in Connecticut.” Whatever you call it, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy and his predecessors have used one budget gimmick after another to ensure that it is virtually impossible to determine where public […] The post Connecticut – Otherwise known as “Budget Gimmicks

JUN 09

Time for Connecticut to dump the Common Core
Connecticut has wasted enough time and money on the unnecessary and wasteful diversion called the Common Core and its associated Common Core testing scheme. It is time for Connecticut to scrap the Common Core and re-direct scarce resources to ensuring that all of Connecticut’s public school students get the education they need to lead fulfilling […] The post Time for Connecticut to dump the Common

JUN 08

Will politics prevent justice from being served – the Kenneth Moales Story Continues
The controversy surrounding Reverend Kenneth Moales, Jr. expands even further Documents on file with the Connecticut Superior Court and the City of Bridgeport reveal that while Reverend Kenneth Moales, Jr. and his family collected more than $8 million dollars from a Midwestern mortgage company that specializes in providing construction loans to evangelical and other churches, […] The post Will pol

JUN 07

Ipswich, Mass sixth grade students demand payment for taking Common Core Field Tests
In a Boston Tea Party like moment, a group of sixth-grade students from Ipswich, Massachusetts are making a stand.  Like Connecticut’s public schools students, they were used as unpaid lab rats in this spring’s Common Core test of the test. Under the laws and regulations of the United States, people cannot be made to be […] The post Ipswich, Mass sixth grade students demand payment for taking Comm