Thursday, June 12, 2014

6-12-14 @ The Chalk Face


AFT’s American Educator: Voice of the Rank and File or Tool of the Reformers?
Guest Post: By Bianca Tanis Teachers are dosed with Common Core propaganda daily. A few times a year, this comes in the form of the American Federation of Teachers’ quarterly journal, American Educator. It is not surprising that the summer 2014 issue (which focuses primarily on early childhood) is chock full of “career and college ready” […]

POST VERGARA FALL OUT: Nothing says it any better than this from Brian Jones:
POST VERGARA FALL OUT: Nothing says it any better than this from Brian Jones:.

Fighting Vergara in California and Elsewhere
As a former legal historian and inner city teacher, I’m offended by Judge Rolf Treu’s one sentence legal justification of the key issue in Vergara v California. The judge ruled for Students Matter and struck down the hard-won rights of teachers based on a citation of California legal precedents that seems facile to me. Some […]

What We Tolerate (and for Whom) v. What the Rich Demand: On Teacher Quality
What We Tolerate (and for Whom) v. What the Rich Demand: On Teacher Quality. via What We Tolerate (and for Whom) v. What the Rich Demand: On Teacher Quality.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
That Full-page Union-bashing Ad in USA Today
Remember that five-story billboard in Times Square in December 2013 and the accompanying full-page ad in the New York Times blaming American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten for 2012 US PISA scores? Both were the work of a union-busting “nonprofit,” the deceptively-named Center for Union Facts. Well, on June 12, 2014, the same union-busting group posted this full-page ad cel
Meditating on Teacher Unions and Tenure Post-Vergaras
Meditating on Teacher Unions and Tenure Post-Vergaras. via Meditating on Teacher Unions and Tenure Post-Vergaras.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical

6-11-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Higher Education Leaders who know nothing.OK.  Today might just be the day that I quit. If the leaders of our academic institutions have really decided to sign onto to something that has no empirical support specifically (that common core standards and high stakes tests better prepare students for college) and at the same time totally disregard tons of empirical support […]73 by