Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6-10-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum

Seattle Schools Community Forum:

Common Core Updates
Update 2:  Arne strikes back.  Today Sec'y Duncan, in an apparent effort to shore up support (and that's putting it nicely), pretty much threatened the state of Oklahoma for backing out of Common Core.Word to the wise, Secretary Duncan, want to make even MORE people suspicious of Common Core? Try the federal government strong-arm. You're only giving them more to work with. From Yahoo News:Duncan h

Parents, Secure Your Guns
There was a shooting today at a Portland high school just after 8 am.  The shooter and a student are dead.  Clearly, something is in the air.  Whether it's extreme right-wing paranoia of our government or narcissism or mental illness or teen unhappiness, their one link is guns. So far we can't do much about adults who get guns.  (But we can work to close those gunshow loopholes.  Yes on 594.)  The
Math Adoption Redux
AnalysisI am going to believe the Superintendent as he tells principals that Math in Focus in the sole selection for K-5 math and will be used in the fall. I am disappointed that he said in the letter, "I know many of us are frustrated about the process."  It's an odd statement given the district - not the Board - designed the process.  The actual vote on it was designed by the State Leg

Tuesday Open Thread
A recap of the Curriculum and Instruction meeting to come.  I perceive this is not quite the done deal it appears to be. Got a grad?  A great story asking prominent/interesting people "If I were 22 again..." Written probably for college grads but still worth letting your own graduate read.  I was at a high school graduation party this weekend and told some of the kids to write a letter t

6-9-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Math Adoption DocumentsMore documents at Scribed from Julian A.  They include info on 2015 Math in Focus and several school math waivers.  Scroll to the bottom to access other documents. by Melissa Westbrook / 24min 6-8-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum WeekSeattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools' Math Adoption: What's Happening at Your School?A reader su