Tuesday, June 10, 2014

400,000 poker chips … er-r-r, Human Lives at stake | Reclaim Reform

400,000 poker chips … er-r-r, Human Lives at stake | Reclaim Reform:

400,000 poker chips … er-r-r, Human Lives at stake

notmineCruelty and abuse as mere political ideology continues as legislators across America play power games using human lives as poker chips. The ongoing onslaught against vulnerable children, the elderly, the disabled and the poor by billionaire funded politicos continues as the new normal in the corruption that is today’s government.
Party politics in Virginia puts 400,000 human lives at risk of needless suffering and death, primarily the disabled and the elderly -referred to by the Chicago Tribune as “Medicaid expansion.”  The Tribune reporting is about the two party ideology and political maneuvering. Human suffering and the horrific suffering go unmentioned. Read the entire article HERE.
Florida politicians play the cruel game of taking public education money from education funds for disabled children and handing it to highly profitable private schools as vouchers. Those institutions are not required to have any staff members certified or qualified to teach children with disabilities. There is no accountability required for these institution to show that any help is actually being given to help disabled children. Read the Sun Sentinel article HERE.
In New York the notorious Eva Moskowitz whose Success Academy charters have been mired in scandal, waste, financial investigations and more applied for 14 more charter 400,000 poker chips … er-r-r, Human Lives at stake | Reclaim Reform:

IEA/NEA joins the 21st Century communications community. Thank you.
The IEA/NEA today joins the 21st Century communications community with promised regular email updates, even for retired teachers. This is a very welcome step toward keeping active and retired teachers in Illinois informed, especially about ongoing court cases, pensions, legislation discussions, election issues, political candidate statements and more. A few bloggers have been addressing this issu